



Number of users
・Global: 1 billion people (as of September 2021)
・Domestic: 9.5 million people (as of December 2018)

A media that posts short, repeated videos. Creators can easily create videos and spread them using powerful AI algorithms. Because it is affiliated with music copyright management organizations in various countries, it is possible to add popular songs to the background music, and a culture of posting dances that match the songs has also been born, with other creators copying and posting their own dances. The continuous flow of AI-recommended video content is highly addictive, and many users find themselves watching their TikTok feed for hours before they know it.
Talk and seminar-style videos are not uncommon, and are useful for gathering information in a short amount of time.
As a general rule, business use of Creator Accounts is prohibited. You can use it for your business by setting it up as a business account and placing operational ads.

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