
「ポストインプレッション」「ビュースルーレート(VTR:View Through Rate)」とも呼びます。

ビュースルーコンバージョンは、Google 広告やYahoo!広告、さらにFacebook広告やX広告でも測定できます。

view-through conversion

This is the number of conversions after viewing an ad (impression).
Even if you don’t click on the ad you see, you may visit the site later through a route other than the ad and convert.
Also called “post-impression” or “view through rate (VTR).”

It’s easy to think that direct conversions alone are ineffective, but customers may search for and visit your ad because they first saw it. View-through conversions are particularly likely to occur with visually appealing ads such as banner ads.
View-through conversions can be measured with Google Ads, Yahoo! Ads, as well as Facebook Ads and X Ads.

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