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[KIT]Amazing! How to make coffee 10 times more delicious

Coffee is a must drink for refreshing and taking a break. Many people may drink freshly coffee from Starbucks or convenience stores, but at home, it’s mostly instant coffee.

Don’t you think instant coffee’s tastes are same no matter who make it or how?
In this site, we will teach you how to make instant coffee dramatically tastier.

Things need to be prepared

Instant coffee of your choice … 1 teaspoon heap
Water … 1 teaspoon
Hot water … 140cc

Let’s start!!!

Step 1

First, put instant coffee and water in a coffee cup and mix well with a spoon until there are no lumps.

Step 2

Then, pour boiling water.

That’s all! It’s quite simple and easy, isn’t it?

Please enjoy a special instant coffee at home!


Ms. A

This method is very good. It is completely different from an ordinal one!

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