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[KIT]All about Moringa Corner

Kirirom Institute of Technology is a university situated on Kirirom mountain in Kampong Speu. This school is so unique because it is one of the few boarding schools in Cambodia. It has dormitories for students and staff to stay, a cafeteria or canteen for students. This place is called Moringa. It is famous for its delicious food and self-serve service like buffet. However, despite the deliciousness of the food, it is quite far from the students’ dorms. It is about 500 meters from where the students live. Imagine waking up on Sunday morning after an exhausting week, you want to sleep for a long time right but you have to walk to the canteen for just breakfast that you do not like because you do not want to skip breakfast and walk back. This is so annoying because you want to chill all day at your dorm, you do not want to move much and you want to eat the food that you like. Because of this problem, students started to skip breakfast which in turn will harm their health especially their stomach. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, my team creates a service which tries to tackle this problem. The service is called Moringa Corner. This idea was come up by Thy Saonan, a professional software developer and a year 2 student here. He proposed the idea to the team which then became interested by all the members including myself. Thus, we started to plan and discussed the business model canvas and It is a website where you can get all the information about the upcoming food in Moringa. This will ease up the element of surprise or uncertainty for the students to make decisions. It helps every students, and staff to decide whether to come to eat or eat some fast food like noodles, bread, cookies, etc, … at their dorm based on the info from our website. Our website also has other different features. It not only provides the information beforehand, it also gives the users freedom of speech meaning they can express their opinions on the website. They can choose to be anonymous or public commenters then they rate the food itself, the chefs and the service. They also give feedback to our Moringa Corner website for improvement purposes. Why do we include the feedback feature in the website. It is because we want to deal with critics and some conflicts about Moringa. The problem is that when the food somehow does not look good or taste delicious, the students will start to argue to blame the chef but they are talking or gossiping about it within their groups. They do not tell the chef to change but they just keep gossiping. Therefore, with the help of the feedback system, they can comment directly to the chef and tell them to change anonymously. I think Moringa Corner is the best service for KIT because it could help the students and staff to stay healthy by showing the upcoming food.

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