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[KIT]How to be a good teacher?

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owner: Online presentation.

This days, there are many teacher around the world and most of them are good teachers and some of them are not good teachers. They just teach what they know they did not research anything of the update topic. So this article will show you the 5 Tips to be a good teaches.

1.Good Teachers Are Strong Communicators: A good teacher need to have a best communication skill. they need to talk with their student properly and they also need to have a good voice. For example: If that teacher do not know how to communicate or speak to their student it will make their student boring and will not focus on you.

2. Good Teachers Listen Well: Good teachers need to listen to their students. Teachers that are skilled in listening are also good at listen to their student no matter what story that their student told them.

3.Good Teachers Focus on Collaboration: Good teachers is really focus on the collaboration with their co-worker and also their student.Collaborating well also means you must be open to learning from others.

4.Good Teachers Have Patience: Good teacher need to have patience. Because we need to teach many different kind of students that you will be faced. Patience is one of the most important skills to practice as a teacher.

5. Good Teachers Share Best Practices: A Teacher that share knowledge and experiences with others is one of the important qualities of a good teacher.

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