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We Got New Trainers

We grow our trainers seriously.
Trainers, of course, must know web analytics in depth.

These 2 months, David Chan at Beacon Communications and Mike Lim from Social4You have been taking Web Analytics Master exam.

After failing 2 times, they pass Web Analytics Master exam on 14th December finally.
This time Toshiaki Ejiri, founder of WACA, came from Japan in order to evaluate them.
They are really capable since some keep failing the exam 1 year in Japan.

Let me structure Web Analytics Master exam requirements.
– Presentation Exam (Master WACA Course teaching methods)
– Macro Report Exam (Make logically strong proposals to a business)
– Micro Report Exam (Grasp single user’s behavior in website and make proposals)

Each topic is difficult and needs lots of preparation.
They need to be ready for explaining web analytics basic and advanced topics anytime during WACA courses: We evaluate.
They need to have abilities to create various web analytics reports which have impacts on businesses: We evaluate.

Not only being certified, but also participants of Web Analytics Master course grow their skills very much.
Web Analytics Master Course can be one of the important steps in your life.

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