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Acquisition and Use of Personal Data

Acquisition and Use of Personal Data by Our Association

General Incorporated Association Web Analytics Consultants Association (hereafter referred to as “our association”) understands that proper handling of every personal data of every customer and every person participated in our association is our important duty as a personal data handling entity.
Our association protects the personal data according to the “Personal Data Protection Declaration and Policies” as follows.

  • Management of Personal Data
  • Use Purpose of Personal Data
  • Exposure and Supply of Personal Data to a Third Party
  • Inquiry and Presentation Procedure of Personal Data
  • Trust of Personal Data Handling
  • Handling of Personal Data on Website
  • Voluntariness of Personal Data Acquisition Items
  • Revision

Management of Personal Data

Our association shall, as a personal data handling entity, in order to protect personal data from leakage, loss, and/or destruction, conduct proper safety management measures to protect personal data in accordance with the applicable laws and our in-house regulations.
In addition, our association shall educate all of the employees of our association on proper handling of personal data to ensure personal data protection. (The personal data manager of our association shall be in charge of handling personal data belonging to our association.)

Acquisition and Use of Personal Data

    1. Our association shall acquire personal data in a proper manner in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.
      When our association collects personal data directly from a person in a written form and/or via a website, our association shall clearly indicate purpose of use and obtain approval from the person in advance.
      Our association may acquire personal data in other ways than directly from a person in a written form for use within the scope of purposes listed below.
    2. Our association shall use acquired personal data in our businesses and services for the fourteen purposes listed below.
      The purpose of using acquired personal data in each of our businesses and services shall be indicated on the website (or in another media) handling the corresponding business or service within the scope of the following fourteen purposes.

      1. Execution of a contract (to provide various seminars or courses, run examination and registration, and/or offer services)
      2. Information provision and proposal for various seminars or courses, examination and registration, and/or services
      3. Requests, contacts, and/or answers related to a survey on planning and using various seminars or courses, examination and registration, and/or services
      4. Correspondence to inquiry or request for various seminars or courses, examination and registration, and/or services, and others
      5. Introduction and answers for various seminars or courses, examination and registration, and/or services, and others
      6. Creation of statistics materials
      7. Information and/or inquiry on material purchase and/or component procurement
      8. Recruiting
      9. Answers to inquiries from members or other participants
      10. Cleaning up after an incident (e.g. billing, collection, and payment)
      11. Contacts, inquiries, and answers for other general duties
      12. Protection of errors and/or leaks in inquiries and/or requests
      13. Safety management measures such as disaster or crime prevention
      14. Execution of business ordered by customers
    3. Our association may use personal data published on the Internet or other media in “information provision and proposal related to products and/or services” and/or “introduction of various seminars and courses, and other various services” as long as the purpose of publication of the personal data matches our purpose of using the personal data.
    4. Our association may use personal data obtained in an event held by a client in “information provision and proposal related to products and/or services” after confirming that the person providing his or her personal data agrees with data provision and the purpose of use.
    5. In the following cases, our association may use personal data without prior permission from the person in question even if the purpose of use is other than listed above.
  1. When provided for in the law
  2. When necessary to protect an important profit such as life, health, or property of the person in question or of the public
  3. When it is necessary for our association to cooperate with a national institution or public entity, or an entity delegated by them, to fulfill a duty laid down by the law or regulation, and when obtaining an agreement from the person in question may interfere with fulfillment of the duty

Sharing of Personal Data
Our association may share acquired personal data with web analytics consultants and/or qualified schools for the purposes of use listed above.
In such a case, our association takes charge of managing the personal data.

Exposure and Supply of Personal Data to a Third Party
Our association shall not expose and/or supply personal data collected from the person in question to a third party except for the following cases:

  1. When necessary to protect an important profit such as life, health, or property of the person in question or of the public
  2. When an agreement is obtained from the person in question in advance

Inquiry and Presentation Procedure of Personal Data
When a customer or his or her proxy requests for notification of the purpose of use, presentation, correction, addition, or deletion, suspending the use, erasure, and/or suspending supply to a third party (hereafter collectively referred to as “presentation and such”)
of personal data of the person in question, contact us from the link “Contact Us.”

Trust of Personal Data Handling
In some services offered by our association (e.g., mailing or e-mailing), our association may entrust our contractor who concluded NDA with our association with handling of the personal data.

Handling of Personal Data on Website

  1. Using Log Data
    Our association records visitors’ access log whenever they use our website.
    This access log data shall be used for understanding usage of our website and shall not be used for identification on other pages than where user authentication is necessary.
  2. Security and related matters
    For technical information concerning security and/or use for browsing our website,refer to “Terms and Conditions of Site.”

Voluntariness of Personal Data Acquisition Items
Our association acquires all of the personal data items under an agreement of each customer.
Be sure to enter your personal data after confirming the details of services offered by entering the data, as explained in the printed form and/or shown on our website.
If you do not offer any of the necessary data items, each service may not be offered in a proper condition.

Our association may revise this “Acquisition and Use of Personal Data by Our Association” in order to change the purpose of use, improve safety, and/or conform to changes in the related law or regulation.
Be sure to visit our website regularly to check for revisions.